Vous écoutez un extrait du "Medley" de notre CD, interprété par notre instructeur George Neish

              Welcome on the Somme Battlefield Pipe Band's website 
              Honorary member of  Normandy Veterans Association and Tyneside Scottish Rgt

                           (pour revenir à la page d'accueil en français, cliquez sur la cornemuse)

SBPB , Espace P.Dupond, 1 Avenue de l'Europe, 80200 PERONNE
tel : 0033321485787  email : sbpb@orange.fr 



D DAY' S ceremonies in Arromanches - 6th June 2014
filmed on BBC and France 2



2018: last year of WW1 Centenary 
historical digest to read in page: "un peu d'histoire"

Our project "Don't forget them" has   received the
French National Label of WW1 Centenary.
Have  a look please in our page "Centenaire 14/18"


Greetings from 15TH Canadian Btn. Memorial Project  

ceud mile failte !


The Bill Millin Memorial has been inaugurated on 8 June 2013
The SBPB has taken part in this great event
For more informations
: http://www.ddaypiperbillmillin.com/


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